The following positions will be elected:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Recording Secretary
  • Corresponding Secretary
  • Executive Committee District Representatives from each County Commission District (One per district)

Election Process

During the WCDP Reorganization Convention, the Convention Chair will open the floor for nominations for each of the positions (one at a time). You will need to be nominated by someone else attending the convention either in person or remotely. You will be given the opportunity to accept the nomination (or decline) and allotted two (2) minutes to speak. (A speech is not required however, just the acceptance.)

After the nominations cease, the ballot is closed, and the elections shall commence. A majority (50% + 1) shall prevail for each election. In the case where a majority is not reached, the low vote getter is dropped, and voting proceeds with the remaining candidates. In the case of a tie, a runoff between those tied shall be held to decide the winner. If a tie results after three attempts, the incumbent Party Chair will cast the deciding vote.

This process will continue for each position. Officers may reside anywhere in Washington County. Nominees for Executive Committee Representative positions. should reside in the Commission district for which they are nominated. If a nominee is not made for a person who resides in the district, the chair may take nominations from the entire convention at large to fill the seat.

Why Serve?

Serving as an officer or member of the WCDP Executive Committee is a way for you to help use your talents and leadership to build the Democratic Party in our County, so we can assist more Democrats in getting elected at all levels of government. If you are passionate about turning Washington County and Tennessee BLUE, we would love to have you on our team. No special skills are needed, just a willingness to help!


If you are interested in running for WCDP Executive Committee, to include any of the Officer positions, please email to let us know or ask additional questions. We can also help you find your County Commission District.

If you do not have someone to nominate you, please let the Credentialing Committee know when you register and they will work to find someone who can.


The Party Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Serving as the chief executive of the Party;
  • Representing the Party at all times;
  • Presiding over Open Membership Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings;
  • Presiding over any convention called by the Party with the exception of the Biennial County Reorganization Convention.
  • Setting the time and date of all Open Membership Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings with guidance from the Executive Committee, unless one is called by on-third (1/3) of the Executive Committee;
  • Setting the agenda for the Open Membership Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings to be distributed by the Reporting Secretary;
  • Appointing Chairs for the Party Committees;
  • Chairing the Bylaws and Infrastructure Committee, and optionally co-chairing up to two additional Party Committees;
  • Being a de facto member of all Party Committees;
  • Nominating members for the County Election Commission and then presenting them to the Executive Committee for approval;
  • Performing all other duties incident to the office of Chair and such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or included in the Party’s Policies & Procedures handbook.


The Party Vice-Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • In the absence of the Party Chair or in the event of the Party Chair’s inability to act, performing the duties of the Party Chair in an interim capacity until said time that the Party Chair is able to resume their duties or a replacement Party Chair has been selected in a proper manner as prescribed in Article V, Section 2; 
  • Performing all other duties of Party Officers’ positions that may at times become vacant so long as they have the ability to do so;
  • Representing the Party at all times;
  • Chairing the Standards and Ethics Committee;
  • Co-chairing at least one additional Party Committee;
  • Assisting the Volunteer and Membership Recruitment Committee and the Outreach and Youth Committee in achieving their goals as set forth in the Party’s 2-Year Strategic Plan and advising those Committees’ Co-Chairs on how best to succeed;
  • Performing all other duties incident to the office of Vice-Chair and such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or included in the Party’s Policies & Procedures handbook.


The Party Treasurer shall have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • In the absence of the Party Chair and the Party Vice-Chair and the Party Recording Secretary and the Party Corresponding Secretary or in the event of their inability to act, performing the duties of the Party Chair in an interim capacity until said time that the Party Chair or the Party Vice-Chair or the Party Recording Secretary or the Party Corresponding Secretary are able to resume their duties or a replacement Party Chair or Party Vice-Chair or Party Recording Secretary or Party Corresponding Secretary has been selected in a proper manner as prescribed in Article V, Section 2;
  • Exercising responsibility for all funds and securities of the Party and depositing all such monies in the name of the Party’s Executive Committee.
  • Maintaining open and accurate records of Party funds and transactions of the Executive Committee as required by law;
  • Disbursing funds as directed by the Executive Committee;
  • Registering with the State Election Commission; 
  • Filing any and all reports required by the State Election Commission and the Federal Election Commission as applicable;
  • Compiling and reporting financial statements to the Party as requested by the Executive Committee;
  • Providing a quarterly report to the Executive Committee at the Executive Committee Meeting regarding the status of the Party budget, the funds expended and the funds raised;
  • Notifying the Executive Committee and Party Officers of the submission of any and all financial disclosures, and of the day of submission, by written receipt within seven (7) days of said disclosures;
  • Co-chairing at least one Party Committee;
  • Performing all other duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or included in the Party’s Policies & Procedures handbook.

Recording Secretary

The Party Recording Secretary shall have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • In the absence of the Party Chair and the Party Vice-Chair or in the event of their inability to act, performing the duties of the Party Chair in an interim capacity until said time that the Party Chair or the Party Vice-Chair are able to resume their duties or a replacement Party Chair or Party Vice-Chair has been selected in a proper manner as prescribed in Article V, Section 2;
  • Recording, distributing, and maintaining the minutes and agendas of all Open Membership Meetings and of the Executive Committee Meetings;
  • Keeping records of all submitted and passed resolutions and amendments to the Party;
  • Giving notice of events as required by law and these Bylaws;
  • Updating and maintaining membership records;
  • Handling all votes occurring at Open Membership Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings;
  • Performing all other duties incident to the office of Recording Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or included in the Party’s Policies & Procedures handbook.

Corresponding Secretary

The Party Corresponding Secretary shall have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • In the absence of the Party Chair and the Party Vice-Chair and the Party Recording Secretary or in the event of their inability to act, performing the duties of the Party Chair in an interim capacity until said time that the Party Chair or the Party Vice-Chair or the Party Recording Secretary are able to resume their duties or a replacement Party Chair or Party Vice-Chair or Party Recording Secretary has been selected in a proper manner as prescribed in Article V, Section 2;
  • Co-chairing the Media and Messaging Committee;
  • Overseeing all public postings made by the Party in any official capacity;
  • Performing all other duties incident to the office of Corresponding Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or included in the Party’s Policies & Procedures handbook.

Executive Committee

Executive Committee members are responsible to take an active role in growth and outreach strategies aimed at aiding in the election of Democrats. These efforts are directed through committee work and organizing activities in their districts.

District representatives will be expected to lead efforts in their district to grow the party. For example, responsibilities may be fulfilled by identifying volunteer prospects, donors, organizations, influencers, and house party leads in their district; providing vote by mail information; conducting voter registration; identifying and reporting needs, concerns, barriers, and opportunities for outreach in their district to the Executive Committee in order to facilitate opportunities for Democratic engagement and responses in their district.

Executive Committee members often are co-chairs of Sub Committees of the WCDP.

P.O. Box 1731, Johnson City, TN 37605
* indicates required
Paid for by the Washington County Democratic Party - Cindy Humphrey, Treasurer
This Communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

© 2024 Washington County Democratic Party, All Rights Reserved.