Every two years, Democratic Parties across Tennessee hold a Reorganization Convention to elect their Officers and Executive Committee members, as well as to affirm and vote on the County Party’s bylaws. Democrats in Washington County are invited to attend and elect the county party’s 2025-2027 leadership at this Convention.
(322 W. Watauga Ave., Johnson City, TN 37604)
Doors open at 9 am
Convention starts at 10 am
Free breakfast and lunch will be provided!
We hope you will join us for this major event and engage with fellow Democrats!
(Pre-registering will accelerate check-in)
Here is what you can expect when arriving at the Convention (doors open at 9 am):
If you are a Democrat registered and eligible to vote in Washington County, then YES, you can run for any office at the Convention. We seek community members who, above all else, are passionate about creating change, electing Democrats, and, more importantly, being a good team player. You can serve as an Officer or a District Representative on the Executive Committee member.
WCDP will hold an onboarding session right after lunch on Convention day (1-2 pm). We will cover the basics then. Additional training and mentorship for new members of the Executive Committee will be provided throughout the year. The Tennessee Democratic Party (TNDP) also holds training and information meetings for all members. In the meantime, you can review the Handbook of Roles & Responsibilities by clicking here.
Fantastic, we’d love to have you on the team! You can run for an Officer or District Representative position on the Executive Committee. Click here to read the Roles & Responsibilities for these positions.
Here is how the process works at the Convention:
You may run for any position, but you can only hold one position at a time.
They are not! The leadership of WCDP and the state party (TNDP) are proposing to continue using the Bylaws we negotiated in 2023 since they have worked well for us.