The Washington County Democratic Party’s mission is to represent everyone in Washington County, Tennessee by working to ensure equal opportunity through investing in public education, equal access to affordable health care, economic stability through secure jobs and living wages, sustaining and preserving the environment, as well as ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and protected equally under the law.

The Washington County Democratic Party elects its Officers and Executive Committee every two years. The members run for executive office during the party general membership meeting in August of odd-numbered years.

The Washington County Democratic Party Platform is a a values based document that reflects the values and goals of those who work, live, and play in Washington County, Tennessee.

P.O. Box 1731, Johnson City, TN 37605
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Paid for by the Washington County Democratic Party - Cindy Humphrey, Treasurer
This Communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
© 2024 Washington County Democratic Party, All Rights Reserved.