Demographics for Tennessee

Population Demographics

Population: 6,715,984

Population Growth since April 1, 2010: 5.8%

Person’s Under 5 Years of Age: 6.1%

Person’s Under 18 Years of Age: 22.6%

Person’s 65 Years of Age and Older: 15.7%

Female Persons: 51.2%

Male Persons: 48.8%

Race and Hispanic Origin

White/Caucasian: 78.7%

Black or African American: 17.1%

American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.4%

Asian: 1.8%

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander: 0.1%

Two or More Races: 1.9%

Hispanic or Latino: 5.2%

White/Caucasian, not Hispanic or Latino: 74.2%

Population Characteristics

Veterans: 450,899

Foreign Born Persons: 4.8%


Housing Units: 2,919,671

Owner Occupied Housing Unit: 66.3%

Median Value of Owner Occupied Housing Unit, 2012 – 2016: $146,000

Median Homeowner Monthly Cost (with a mortgage), 2012 – 2016: $1,180

Median Homeowner Monthly Cost (without a mortgage), 2012 – 2016: $362

Median Gross Rent, 2012 – 2016: $782

Families and Living Arrangements

Households, 2012 – 2016: 2,522,204

Persons per Household, 2012 – 2016: 2.54

Persons Living in the Same House as They Were a Year Ago, 2012 – 2016: 84.9%

Persons 5 Years of Age and Older Speaking A Language Other Than English at Home, 2012 – 2016: 6.8%


High School Graduation Rate for Persons 25 Years of Age and Older, 2012 – 2016: 86%

Bachelor’s Degree or Higher for Persons 25 Years of Age and Older, 2012 – 2016: 25.4%


Persons Under 65 Years of Age Living with a Disability, 2012 – 2016: 11.2%

Persons Without Health Insurance Under 65 Years of Age, 2012 – 2016: 10.6%


In Civilian Labor Force 16 Years of Age and Older, 2012 – 2016: 60.8%

Women in Civilian Labor Force 16 Years of Age and Older, 2012 – 2016: 56.1%

Total Accommodation and Food Services Sales, 2012 ($1,000): 12,499,013

Total Health Care and Social Assistance Receipts, 2012 ($1,000): 42,383,683

Total Manufacturers Shipments, 2012 ($1,000): 139,960,482

Total Merchant Wholesaler Sales, 2012 ($1,000): 111,718,421

Total Retail Sales, 2012 ($1,000): 91,641,605

Income and Poverty

Median Household Income (in 2016 dollars), 2012 – 2016: $46,574

Per Capita Income in Past 12 months (in 2016 dollars), 2012 – 2016: $26,019

Persons in Poverty: 15.8%

** Source: US Census Bureau **

P.O. Box 1731, Johnson City, TN 37605
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Paid for by the Washington County Democratic Party - Cindy Humphrey, Treasurer
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