Washington County Democratic Party Committees

The Washington County Democratic Party has 7 committees that are open for the general membership to not only attend, but to also participate which will enable Democratic candidates to be successful on Election Day. The calendar on the website and the Google Calendar (search wctndp) will have all of the Washington County Democratic Party Committee meetings.

Bylaws and Infrastructure

The Bylaws and Infrastructure Committee is responsible for maintaining and updating the Bylaws of the Washington County Democratic Party as required and appropriate.

  • To organize the WCDP Reorganization held every second odd year, identifying a Chair and members for the Reorganization Committee and Credentials Committee— identifying at least 4 members to serve on this committee.
  • Work with the Media and Messaging Committee to ensure this event is well publicized.
  • The committee will develop a budget for said committee to present as part of the WCDP Budget Process.
  • The Committee will be chaired by the Chair of the WCDP.


The Fundraising Committee is responsible for coordinating fundraising events to reach the fundraising goals set forth in the WCDP 2-Year Strategic Plan.

  • The committee will work with Media and Messaging and any other relevant committee to publicize and staff events in a timely manner.
  • The committee will develop a budget for said committee to present as part of the WCDP Budget Process.


The Events Committee is responsible for and in charge of all events including but not limited to: parades, annual picnics, membership socials, election night watch parties, fairs and festivals, and any other event that the WCDP has a presence at and is not under the purview of another WCDP committee.

  • The committee will plan and organize Candidate Forums with emphasis placed on the WCDP Platform.
  • The committee will work with Media and Messaging and any other relevant committee to publicize and staff events in a timely manner.
  • The committee will develop a budget for said committee to present as part of the WCDP Budget Process.

Media and Messaging

The Media and Messaging Committee is responsible for activity on Social Media Platforms as it relates to the WCDP.

  • The committee will be co-chaired by the WCDP Corresponding Secretary.
  • All advertising will be created and/or approved by the Media and Messaging Committee, including but not limited to: newspaper, radio, television, social media, and any other mass media platforms.
  • The committee will work closely with other committees to help promote any and all events for the WCDP.
  • The committee will develop a budget for said committee to present as part of the WCDP Budget Process.

Candidate Recruitment and Training

The Candidate Recruitment and Training Committee is responsible for identifying and recruiting candidates, with special emphasis on races identified in the WCDP 2-Year Strategic Plan.

  • The committee will offer training to candidates and campaign personnel.
  • The committee will maintain a spreadsheet of potential campaign staff from which candidates can recruit.
  • The committee will work with Media and Messaging and any other relevant committee to publicize and staff events in a timely manner.
  • The committee will develop a budget for said committee to present as part of the WCDP Budget Process.

Volunteer and Membership Recruitment

The Volunteer and Membership Recruitment Committee is responsible for identifying and recruiting new members and volunteers for the WCDP.

  • The committee will be responsible for recruiting precinct captains and poll watchers for all of Washington County’s precincts.
  • To work closely with the Events committee and other committees to help staff events.
  • The committee will work with Media and Messaging and any other relevant committee to publicize and staff events in a timely manner.
  • The committee will register voters.
  • The committee will develop a budget for said committee to present as part of the WCDP Budget Process.

Outreach and Youth

The Outreach and Youth Committee is responsible for keeping in contact and/or assisting to organize Democratic groups within the high schools and colleges/universities inside Washington County.

  • The committee will keep in contact and/or assist to organize a Young Democrats group in Washington County.
  • The committee will develop and foster relationships with local progressive organizations.
  • The committee will create, advertise, and staff events specific for those Democratic groups and work with Media and Messaging and any other relevant committee to publicize and staff events in a timely manner.
  • The committee will register young Democratic voters as they become eligible to vote as well as work to turnout the young Democrats vote on Election Day.
  • The committee will develop a budget for said committee to present as part of the WCDP Budget Process.

P.O. Box 1731, Johnson City, TN 37605
* indicates required
Paid for by the Washington County Democratic Party - Cindy Humphrey, Treasurer
This Communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

© 2024 Washington County Democratic Party, All Rights Reserved.