Come and meet Marty Olsen. He is running against Phil Roe and is an ETSU professor and OB/GYN. He has a great story. Come and listen and ask questions! “Healthcare is a critically important issue and was pivotal in my consideration of a run for Congress. I have sat across from patients in exam rooms and heard the stories of people who are ill and can’t get medical treatment because they don’t have insurance. They don’t have insurance because they don’t have a job. They don’t have a job because they are too sick to work. They can’t get better because they don’t have insurance. You can see what a tragic negative cycle some of our neighbors are experiencing. The recent proposals from Washington to put 22 million more people at risk for lost healthcare coverage are unacceptable. Public health studies show us that when people don’t have healthcare coverage, some of them will die.” Dr. Marty Olsen