Let's keep the momentum going! Everyone is invited to the WCDP June Membership Meeting. We have great ways for you to get involved and remember, we aren't using a boring meeting structure. Let's have some fun! Register for the Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpdOqrqDwrHtV-Y7-qfiAAqFs18bDnOQnG
Let's keep the momentum going! Everyone is invited to the WCDP June Membership Meeting. We have great ways for you to get involved and remember, we aren't using a boring meeting structure. Let's have some fun! Register for the Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpdOqrqDwrHtV-Y7-qfiAAqFs18bDnOQnG
It's time again to update the WCDP Bylaws. Help us look over the bylaws and get them ready for a vote for the August 2021 Bi-Annual Re-Organization. This will have an in-person option (email chair@wctndp.com for the address) and also a Zoom option for attending. Register for the Zoom here - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqdOGpqzIsGN3BKYzmckceRdBu4AyC8X9q
It's time again to update the WCDP Bylaws. Help us look over the bylaws and get them ready for a vote for the August 2021 Bi-Annual Re-Organization. This will have an in-person option (email chair@wctndp.com for the address) and also a Zoom option for attending. Register for the Zoom here - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqdOGpqzIsGN3BKYzmckceRdBu4AyC8X9q
Help the WCDP plan monthly events! This meeting will have both in-person and Zoom options to attend. Please email chair@wctndp.com for in-person location. Register for the Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tduGvrDgrEtchlZiJuvdCULGztsRbO7qv
Help the WCDP plan monthly events! This meeting will have both in-person and Zoom options to attend. Please email chair@wctndp.com for in-person location. Register for the Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tduGvrDgrEtchlZiJuvdCULGztsRbO7qv
Help the WCDP recruit volunteers and set up precinct based organizing! Hybrid event - location and Zoom registration TBA
Help the WCDP recruit volunteers and set up precinct based organizing! Hybrid event - location and Zoom registration TBA
Help the WCDP raise money to turn out the vote and support candidates in 2022! Register for the Zoom Link: TBA (This meeting will have a socially distanced in-person option. If you are interested in that, please email the WCDP at wctndp@gmail.com.)
Help the WCDP raise money to turn out the vote and support candidates in 2022! Register for the Zoom Link: TBA (This meeting will have a socially distanced in-person option. If you are interested in that, please email the WCDP at wctndp@gmail.com.)