Democrats Denounce Election Interference by the Washington County Commission

September 24, 20240

Anointing GOP Candidate as Commissioner Tramples Voters’ Voices, Election Integrity and Fairness  

The Washington County Democratic Party (WCDP) condemns the election interference inflicted by the Republican Commissioners last night with the appointment of the GOP’s candidate for County Commission for District 9 in that seat, less than a month before early voting starts. WCDP salutes District 11 Commissioner Jodi Jones, the sole member of the Commission with the courage to vote against this misguided appointment.

“Clearly, the Republican majority on the Commission played politics and sought to give an advantage to their candidate in the upcoming race, flouting the voices of District 9 voters,” said Sylvain Bruni, Chair of the WCDP. “The Commission discussed gravel versus pavement for parking spots for 20 minutes… and barely spent 30 seconds on representation for District 9. They completely ignored the public comments provided at the start of the meeting.”

Washington County Democrats had advocated for either no appointment in the vacant seat (because it posed no liability to the Commission or the people of District 9, especially since the seat had been vacant since July) or the selection of an independent, non-candidate caretaker. Additionally, appointing a Republican in a majority Democratic District is contrary to the will of the voters.

“I am disappointed in the Commission’s choice to appoint my Republican opponent in this race,” said Raven Olson, Democratic candidate for County Commissioner in District 9. “I am also baffled by the insinuation made during the appointment process that our local election would not be certified in time. What is this fear-mongering seeking to provoke?”

WCDP reiterates its full support and confidence in the Washington County Election Commission (WCEC) and its ability to conduct fair and accurate electoral operations, as well as a timely certification of the results in November, as they have repeatedly demonstrated in many elections in the last several years. WCDP calls on the Washington County Commission to be transparent and accountable for its claim of certification delay.

WCDP and the Tennessee Democratic Party are exploring potential legal recourse to ensure fairness and equity in our elections in Washington County in light of this blatant interference from the County Commission.


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Paid for by the Washington County Democratic Party - Cindy Humphrey, Treasurer
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