Tennessee Deserves Better — It’s Time for Glen Casada to Resign

May 9, 20193

On his Facebook profile, Glen Casada lists himself as an “unapologetic Republican.” Considering the explosion of scandals in the last week of the 2019 Tennessee Legislature and his continued excuses for inexcusable behavior, perhaps he should have simply gone with “unapologetic.”

For those who haven’t had time to keep up—and there’s been a lot to keep up with—a quick recap:

Cothren submitted his resignation earlier this week. Casada, however, has done nothing other than deny, deflect, and defend. After complete denials early on, he later dismissed offensive texts sent by him as “locker-room talk”—an excuse as stale as his legislative ideas.

Unfortunately, Casada’s absence of leadership isn’t just limited to the bombshell admissions. All session, he has treated the House of Representatives as his own fiefdom, casting aside fairness and decorum that is supposed to go along with a representative government.

Rep. Gloria Johnson raising her hand on March 8, April 11, and April 23 and never called on. (TN Legislature)
Rep. Gloria Johnson raising her hand on March 8, April 11, and April 23 and never called on. (TN Legislature)

At least three separate times, he refused to call on Knoxville Rep. Gloria Johnson, during floor discussion and debate on various bills. His inexcusable actions essentially silenced her district—denying constituents their right to have their voices and concerns heard.

Tennessee deserves better. We deserve a legislature that conducts itself with respect, we deserve representation for each and every Tennessean, and we deserve a legislative process that sets aside the petty political games.

We’ve had enough of lame “locker-room talk” excuses—it’s time for Glen Casada to head to the showers.

by Bradley Batt

I am a father and founder of a software business and currently live in Johnson City, Tennessee. I'm a small business enthusiast and currently serve on the board of Startup Tri-Cities as well as the Washington County Democratic Party. Find me at @bradbatt or facebook.com/bradbatt


  • Marcia Power

    May 10, 2019 at 9:24 am

    Thank you for your voice. Indeed, keeping the vote open while arm- twisting until Rep. Jason Zachary capitulated and changed his vote must be added to the list. What’s not good for Knox County is not good for any county, and Casada’s promise to Zachary to exclude Knox County puts them both to shame. That bill should be returned to both houses of the legislature for reconsideration and policy development. Gov. Lee’s signature will only further taint the process. I’m waiting to hear a strong call from our State’s leader for Casada’s resignation.


  • W. Chandler

    May 10, 2019 at 1:08 pm

    Tennessee Deserve’s Better!!!


  • W. Chandler

    May 10, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    Tennessee deserve’s better!


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